Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Do You Measure Success?

They say life begins at 40. This means my  life is about to begin. In a few years I will reach that I age and thinking about it prompted me to evaluate what has happened to 'my life' in the years before it has actually began. What I discovered actually made me a bit sad.

I graduated high school as the class valedictorian. I studied college in UP which they say is the best university in the country. I even graduated with honors. Well, I didn't graduate with the highest honors because my grades only reached the Cum Laude ranking but just the same, it was something to be happy about - even something to be proud of. I got hired in a school even before graduation day. And two years after I was promoted as Principal. Such great achievements, don't you think.

But where am I today, a few years my life begins? I am a school principal waiting everyday for the next payday. I am a principal who takes a cab  to school every morning instead of my own car. I am a principal who even rides a jeepney and a pedicab to work every time payday is approaching.

Yes, I may have reached the highest position in my workplace but I am still as broke as I was before I actually started earning my own money.

Some might think that I am in this state because of my own doing. Some might question my lifestyle. Some might question the way I handle my money. Well, I cannot fault them for that. What they are thinking is probably correct. So am I complaining? Not really. I am just at thins point where I am beginning to think if I made the right decisions in life. Did I make the right choices?  Maybe yes. Maybe not.

How do you measure success? Is it measured by the position you hold in your company? Is it measured by how much you have in the bank?

I still believe that success is measured by how happy and contended you are with what you have. For the longest time I maintained that I am happy with what I have achieved. But for some reason this self-evaluation has caused a sudden stir in my heart. Am I really happy? Am I really satisfied? As I said in the beginning I am a bit sad. I have suddenly thought of things that I have not achieved or have not accomplished. I do hope that this is just a phase that I have to experience. I like to believe that this too shall  pass. I hope that before my life begins I will have a stronger resolve that I am happy with my life.

Again, how do you measure success?

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