Friday, August 20, 2010

we care....only in st. mary of the woods school

it's been a tiring week....too many things to do....a lot of things left undone...but at the moment i don't want to think about those things...i do not want to ruin the satisfaction i feel because of the wondeful presentations that our students gave in our program today.,.the students did a great job an i am well sure their parents are also happy of how their children performed...

i am also pleased with the way the teachers did their jobs...they were able to come up with good production numbers...but what pleases me more was how they showed their love for the students...let me give you some examples...

one little girl was to suppoed to participate in the 'paligsahan sa pagtula"...she got scared so she didn't want to join anymore...the adviser came to her and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be fiine...she was really scared so she cried...when the teacher saw this she said "it's okay i wont force you to join"...i asked the teacher whatg prompted her to say that...she said she didn't want the child to feel pressured and traumatized...then another teacher took the child and let her sit on her touching....

in one class performance one child was crying...he was dancing but he was teacher standing near him kept saying "you're doing fine"....then after the presentation she run to the boy and kissed him...

these are the things that i am really proud other schools only seleted students get the chance to perform during programs...the best students are selected to give excellent presentations...with us, we let all students join...we let everybody get their chance to show others what they have...even if the teachers know they will not beable to memorize the steps or say the lines well they still give them the chance to join...only in st. mary of the woods school...

thank you students for making us proud...thank you students for giving us, teachers, the chance to become real TEACHERS....thank you for allowing us to find all your potentials....

thank you parents for allowing us to motivate the students to givetheir best....thank you for supporting us...

thank you teachers for showing you care....only in st. mary of the woods school

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